Contact Us

Hi there, thank you so much for contacting the team at Willow Winters Publishing & The Big Book Lover Shop!
We are currently dealing with a large amount of enquiries & orders and we are working through them during business hours Monday-Friday (Eastern time).
NOTE: No orders are processed or emails answered at a weekend.

* Please include your order ID if you need assistance with your order.


Thank you for choosing to contact the team at Willow Winters Publishing!! Please remember Colleen and Maddison who handle our emails are REAL PEOPLE and we do not use chatbots.

While it seems like we have a large operation running here at Willow Winters Publishing LLC, we’re actually a vey small team. We have less than a handful of people packing and shipping orders and one person who answers all our customer service enquiries.
As a team we are constantly grinding to ensure your emails are answered and orders are shipped within reasonable times. As with any circumstance, we are humans and life happens. We strive to always give you the best service within the means of our business and please note that all decisions are as a result of a consultation with the whole team.

All orders are processed and emails checked business hours Monday-Friday (Eastern time).
Note: No orders are processed or emails answered at a weekend.

Please ensure you have checked out our FAQ page to see if your questions can be answered there before contacting us.

Note: We will not respond to any enquiries that can be answered via our FAQ page.

Thank you so very much for your patience and understanding. xo